
Visual Studio 2010 Keyboard Shortcuts


ctl + R, ctl + R         refactor rename

ctl + alt + R            view web browser

ctl + R, T               run tests in current context
ctl + R, ctl + T         debug tests in current context
ctl + R, A               run all tests in solution
ctl + R, ctl + A         debug all tests in solution

ctl + \, ctl + M         tfs team explorer
alt + V, E, I            tfs view history
alt + V, E, H            tfs view pending changes
alt + V, E, S            tfs view source code explorer

ctl + M, ctl + G         goto mvc view/controller

ctl + I                  incremental search
ctl + shf + I            reverse incremental search
ctl + F3                 find using current selection
ctl + ]                  match braces, opening & closing
ctl + shf + ]            select code between braces

ctl + M, ctl + H         hide selection
ctl + M, ctl + U         unhide selection
ctl + M, ctl + O         collapse to definitions
ctl + M, ctl + T         collapse tag - htm, aspx
ctl + M, ctl + M         toggle outline expansion, current section
ctl + M, ctl + L         toggle all outlining
ctl + K, ctl + K         toggle bookmark
ctl + E, ctl + W         toggle word wrap

ctl + K, ctl + C         comment selection
ctl + K, ctl + U         uncomment selection

ctl + K, ctl + X         code snippet
ctl + K, ctl + B         code snippet manager
ctl + shf + U            uppercase selection
ctl + U                  lowercase selection

ctl + alt + O            output window
ctl + alt + C            call stack
ctl + alt + I            immediate window
ctl + alt + A            command window

ctl + alt + T            document outline window, use w/htm files
ctl + alt + U            modules window

ctl + \, E               error list window
ctl + \, ctl + E         error list window

ctl + alt + V, A         autos window
ctl + alt + V, L         locals window
shf + F9                 quick watch
ctl + alt + W, 1         watch 1 window (1-4)
ctl + alt + B            breakpoints window
ctl + F9                 toggle enable breakpoint
ctl + shf + F9           delete all breakpoints

ctl + K, ctl + W         bookmark window
ctr + \, D               code definition window

ctl + -                  navigate backward
ctl + shf + -            navigate forward
ctl + F6                 navigate open windows forward
ctl + shf + F6           navigate open windows backward

ctl + tab                select open windows dialog
ctl + shf + tab          select open windows dialog backward
ctl + alt + down arrow   list open documents
ctl + alt + P            attach to process

shf + alt + enter        toggle full screen
alt + U                  restore from full screen
ctl + f2                 focus on navigation bar
alt + W, W               show windows window
alt + -                  show float/dock window menu

F5                       start debugging
ctl + F5                 start without debugging
shf + F5                 stop debugging
alt + num + *            show next statement
ctl + shf + F10          set next statement
ctl + F10                run to cursor
shf + F10                context menu, popup

ctl + shf + B            build solution
alt + B, R               rebuild solution
alt + B, U               build current project
alt + B, E               rebuild current project
alt + B, G               build webform page/user control
ctl + break              cancel build

ctl + alt + L            view solution explorer, highlight active file
alt + enter              show file properties/property pages for active item in solution explorer
shf + F4                 show property pages for active project/solution in solution explorer
F4                       show file properties for active item in solution explorer

ctl + F4                 close active code window
F9                       toggle breakpoint
F10                      debug step over
F11                      debug step into
shf + F11                debug step out
f12                      goto definition
ctl + alt + J            object browser
ctl + alt + S            server explorer

//command window (ctl + alt + A)
File.Close               closes currently selected window, including solution explorer
File.TfsHistory          tfs history for currently selected file
View.F#Interactive       f# interactive

ctl + alt + F            f# interactive
alt + enter              send selected code to f# interactive

ctl + shf + E            execute sql
ctl + F5                 validate sql syntax
ctl + shf + alt + R      show/hide sql results pane, toggle
ctl + T                  show results as text
ctl + shf + E            show results as grid